The Scientific Computing Laboratory of the Institute of Physics Belgrade organized an "Introduction to gLite Distributed Computing" training event for students of Physics at Petnica Science Center in Valjevo, Serbia on Friday, 19 February 2010. Basics of numerical simulations, key concepts of clusters and grid computing, gLite services, gLite job Management and gLite data Management were presented to attendants. The participants are also given introduction to basic usage of Linux, eScience concepts, and an overview of EGEE-III, SEE-GRID-SCI and AEGIS activities.
- Opening - Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- Training Overview - Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- Introduction to Numerical Simulations - Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- Case study - Making Planets - Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- From Cluster Computing to Grid environment - Vladimir Slavnic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- Grid for eScience - Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- Capabilities of the gLite Services - Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
- gLite Job and Data Management - Nikola Grkic, Institute of Physics Belgrade
Further information are available on IPB Wiki together with training photo gallery.