Scientific Computing Laboratory
Logo by Dusko Latas
Teacher outreach at CERN
The first CERN outreach program for physics teachers from Serbia was held in CERN, Geneve in the last week of October 2009. The Serbian Physical Society used this opportunity to invite a group of teachers from Montenegro to also take part in the program. The extensive week-long outreach activities included lectures, review sessions, visits to principle experimental facilities at CERN, and hands-on exercises. Lectures were given in Serbian and English.

SCL's Aleksandar Bogojevic gave a lecture on the Grid computing paradigm as the informational backbone behind the LHC and its detectors. He presented Europe's two flagship projects in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) - EGEE (Grid computing) and PRACE (dedicated supercomputing) - aiming to secure for Europe a leadership role in global HPC. Bogojevic also illustrated how order of magnitude estimates can be used to assess the key features of complex systems and emerging technologies.

A list of the outreach activities can be found on CERN's conference database:

April 28, 2010
Director's Letter for April 2010
April 09, 2010
EGEE Grid training at MI SANU
April 07, 2010
New AEGIS Grid site at MI SANU
March 15, 2010
Director's Letter for March 2010
March 09, 2010
SCL seminar at MI SANU
February 19, 2010
Introduction to gLite Distributed Computing
February 12, 2010
Director's Letter for February 2010
January 25, 2010
Director's Letter for January 2010
December 17, 2009
Director's Letter for December 2009
November 30, 2009
ATLAS Resources Coordinator visits SCL
Press Archive